What is Corona Virus?

What is Corona Virus?

Let’s know about Corona Virus (CoV) which is originated from Wuhan(China).
First of all we should know what are Microbes:

Microbes are classified into:
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Viruses
  • Parasites

Hence, Corona Virus is under the classification of microbes into the viruses.

What is Corona Virus?


         Viruses are not living organisms and which are generally detected at the of life. These are known as not living organisms because they lack cellular structures. They can replicate very quickly. And hence they can go viral very instantly and therefore we can call them as #Go_viral viruses.
        They are discovered in the year 1892.Viruses affect your cells and further it uses your own nucleas as a DNA OR RNA- making machine. They are also called as Bacteriophage , because they attack bacteria present in the cells. Also they called as Glucophage, because they eat glucose present in the cells of the body. They are mostly lymphocytes which are small infectious agents and which can transmit via vectors.

Viruses are classified as:
  • DNA Virus
  • RNA Virus

And Corona Virus comes under RNA viruses.
This can be simply understand by just looking at R present in Corona of RNA viruses.

Let’s have look at which are RNA viruses:
  • Toga,
  • Flavi, 
  • Retro, 
  • Corona, 
  • Delta, 
  • Arena, 
  • Bunya, 
  • Filo, 
  • Rabdo, 
  • Orthomyxo, 
  • paramyxo, 
  • Picorna, 
  • Calici, 
  • Hepe, 
  • Reo (No envelope).

They are known as No envelope viruses because they are naked viruses.

Corona Viruses include:
  • Common Cold
  • SARS
  • MERS
  • 2019-nCoV “Wuhan”

Corona Viruses:

         Corona Viridiae where Viridiae stands for viruses. Corona is one of the  ‘+’ve sense of RNA virus. These are single stranded linear viruses. It has helical capsule and it also has envelope around it.
       Some of us might have think that corona viruses are found few days ago, no, not at all it was discovered first in 1960s and now its been detected again.

Corona Viruses history:
  • 229E and OC43 in (1960s)

     It causes Common Cold.
  • SARS.CoV in (2003)

     Severe-Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
  • HCoV NL63(2004)

     It causes Bronchiolitis.
  • HKU-1 in (2005)

     It cause Respiratory diseases.
  • MERS-CoV in (2012)

     Middle-Eastern Respiratory Syndrome i.e. “Camel Flu”.
  • 2019-nCoV in (DEC 2019)

     Wuhan Corona Viruse found in China.

You will notice these all are related with respiratory diseases.
Let us know about Wuhan Corona Virus which is discovered few days ago.

Wuhan Corona virus:

         Wuhan Corona virus is also called as Novel Corona virus and Wuhan Seafood market pneumonia virus. Also, nCoV.
These are all synonyms to Wuhan Corona viruses.
        First cases were reported on December 31st, 2019. The initial source is still unknown, but it is probably due to seafood market. Snakes might be probable reservoir to this. The most hazardous effect of this is it can transmit from human to human.
Until January 22, 2019, it is not considered a PHEIC by WHO. Here, PHEIC stands for Public Health Emergency of International Concern. In other words it is considered as Emergency in CHINA but not in other countries yet.
      Till the date, 830 cases indetified and 25 have died due to this corona virus.
Case fatality rate= 25/830= 3%.


       The causes of a coronavirus infection lie in the spread of so-called coronaviruses in an organism, which subsequently cause symptoms of the disease.
      Corona viruses are so-called RNA viruses. If these spread in a human organism, they lead to paralysis of the cilia, which are significantly involved in breathing. If there is an infection with the SARS coronavirus, the symptoms of pneumonia also occur .
      Statistics show that about 30% of all human infections, such as flu infections, are caused by coronaviruses. However, they are generally considered harmless, even if they can be fatal to different animal species at the same time.


        Coronavirus infection can be life-threatening for a person and must always be treated by a doctor. In the worst case, this infection can lead to death or serious complications. Patients with coronavirus infection primarily suffer from a very high fever .
        This also leads to a general feeling of sickness, which leads to severe tiredness and fatigue. Most sufferers also show shortness of breath , which can lead to a loss of consciousness in serious cases . If the undersupply of oxygen lasts for a long time, the internal organs or even the brain can be damaged.
        This damage is usually irreversible and can no longer be treated. There is also a cough and severe sore throat . There are also general complaints of flu or a cold , causing those affected by chills and body aches .
       The patient's quality of life is significantly reduced and restricted by the coronavirus infection. Coronavirus infection is contagious and can easily spread to other people. Furthermore, an untreated infection leads to pain in the muscles and even cramps . If the coronavirus infection is successfully treated, the life expectancy of the patient remains unchanged.


            If there is suspicion of a coronavirus infection, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In addition to a comprehensive physical examination that is designed to rule out other causes of the symptoms, the coronavirus can be detected using antibodies.
       If antibodies to the virus can be detected in the organism, an acute infection is considered to be practical. Some of these antibodies are labeled with dyes in order to be able to recognize them better. A coronavirus infection is usually harmless to the person concerned and resolves itself after seven to ten days. However, complications can arise in people or children who are already weakened, which is why medical supervision is advisable.


          Coronavirus infection usually causes the person affected by the symptoms of the flu. There is a high fever and cough with a sore throat. Pain in the extremities also occurs and those affected complain of chills at the beginning of the coronavirus infection. In severe cases, breathing difficulties such as shortness of breath may also occur.
       Shortness of breath often leads to panic attacks. Often, patients can no longer exercise and complain of muscle pain. There are usually no further complications and the coronavirus infection subsides on its own without the need to visit a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic.
       Painkillers can be taken to relieve the pain. The patient should only take care not to take them over a long period of time, as they can harm the stomach. Due to the risk of infection, contact with other people should only take place to a limited extent.
        Breathing or neck problems can also be alleviated with the help of medication. After a few days, the symptoms subside and there are no further complications. A serious course can occur if it is a SARS virus. In this case, incorrect treatment can result in the patient's death.

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